Themes, Resources, and Thanks

I’m writing this post to shine some light on several happenings around the WordPress community that you might not have gotten the chance to come across.

  • First is’s release of NewsPixel theme by Nathan Rice and Cory Miller. I haven’t reviewed this theme yet, but it looks promising and well designed. What it needs right now is a pretty skin. Maybe Nathan and Cory will sprinkle some eye candies on NewsPixel before December comes around?
  • Second is the recent (November 20) release of Cornerstone premium theme by Charity of Looking good Charity!
  • Speaking of premium themes, Brian Gardner released the 2.0 version of his Revolution News theme. Check out the demo. It’s looking sharp with the new addition of DOMTab.
  • Fourth is the launch of two new WordPress related sites. One of the two is where Ray Cheung brings you the latest WordPress related resources. The other new site is, a Digg-like WordPress theme listing site by Dale Skarl.
  • Last but not least, I’d like to thank Artur Kim of and Michael Castilla of for helping me with answering theme support questions at the forums.

By The Way

  • Small Potato is officially a RemarkaBlogger.
  • The WPDesigner Hosting service is almost ready to launch. Just for hosting with WPDesigner, you’ll receive one premium theme every two months, more on that later.

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About the Author: Jazib Zaman

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