January 28 – February 03 Theme Release Schedule

I’m starting something new with this release schedule. From now on, scheduled theme releases for upcoming weeks will be posted on Sundays. Think of it as a television shows schedule. Anyway, below is the first list of scheduled releases for club themes.

January 29, 2008 – Personal Theme
First of all, you can preview this theme here. Second, this theme is supposed to be released today, but I’m pushing it back to Tuesday.

January 31, 2008 – Music ThemePreview music theme.

February 02, 2008 – WPDesigner 8 Theme: This is a little something extra from me to you. You’ve been asking for this theme. Well now, it’s coming.


  • All dates are U.S. based.
  • If you haven’t gotten the hint, I’m planning on releasing much, much more than 12 themes for club members. If you only knew how many themes are coming your way… it’s ridiculous 🙂 .
  • If you’re having trouble downloading the first club theme, please find the email titled, “Happy $5 Year.” Download instructions are in there.
  • The $5 themes club hit the 100 members mark today.

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About the Author: Jazib Zaman

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