How to Create a Theme Screenshot

WordPress looks for a .png image file named, screenshot, in your theme’s folder. If you don’t already have a screenshot of your theme, here’s how:

  • Point your browser to the blog currently using the theme.
  • Press the Print Screen button on the keyboard.
  • Open a new file in Photoshop.
  • Change the size to 1200 by 900 (in pixels)
  • Press Ctrl + v or Right click > Paste.
  • With the Move tool activated, resize the screenshot to in the 300 x 225 space.
  • Go to File > Save for Web…
  • Save it as a PNG file, instead of GIF or JPG.
  • Name it screenshot.
  • Place your image file in the theme’s folder.

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About the Author: Jazib Zaman

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