Home » WordPress Tips

How to Get Help for WordPress Problems

The following tips will help you get help for WordPress problems. If you don’t follow my tips, your question will get ignored, no matter who or where you’re trying to…

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Simple vs Complex Designs

Designs with complex structures are typically more fun to look at, but they’re also typically more cluttered and harder to use. I find it interesting that WordPress users haven’t gotten…

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Static Sidebar Sucks

If every page has unique content or purpose, then why does your sidebar look the same on every page? Your static sidebar sucks that’s why. Notice, currently, WPDesigner.com’s sidebar also…

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WordPress Tips Part 2

This post is guest blogged by Milo of 3OneSeven.com. For all codes, type them out. Do not copy and paste. And here’s part 1. Tip #6: Add Gravatars Without a Plugin Open…

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WordPress Tips Part 1

This post is guest blogged by Milo of 3OneSeven.com. For all codes, type them out. Do not copy and paste. Tip #1 DO NOT use this search code in the search.php…

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Premium Theme Buying Tips

It’s a new world out there for WordPress theme authors. They (including me) don’t mean to harm the theme users (you), but they’re simply new at this premium themes game….

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