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How to Choose a Web Host

If you are a newcomer to setting up your own website, choosing a company to host your site can be somewhat intimidating. There are so many aspects to consider and…

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Inspiration or Lack of Creativity

As I browsed the WordPress themes released for February 25th 2008, on WeblogToolsCollection.com, I came across a theme that had everybody raving. It was called Options and was created by Justin Tadlock, the…

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Beware of Careless Paid Theme Authors

Do you know exactly what you’re buying? Where does everything within that paid WordPress theme come from? Of course, you don’t have those answers. Theme authors (people you’re buying from)…

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Raising Personal Standard for Paid WordPress Themes

Keep in mind that the information below is a personal list. I didn’t put it together to say what everyone else should do. —- Recently, I’ve been reading quite a…

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WordPress Guide to Livelihood Without Central Marketplace Dependency

Out of the all the two cents already published about WordPress.com upcoming premium themes marketplace, my own thoughts are best described by the following: You can fool some of the people…

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Premium, but illegal themes?

Currently, the premium themes market is all about magazine-like layouts and nifty Javascript-based features like DOMtab. While there should be no problem with the magazine-layout movement, did anyone bothered to question the…

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