Widget: How to…

You learned how to widgetize the sidebar during the tutorial series, but I never showed you how to turn on the widget plugin. Here it is:


  • Download the Widget plugin from Automattic.com.
  • Upload it to your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  • Go to the Plugins page of the administration panel.
  • Activate the Sidebar Widgets plugin.


  • Go to the Presentation page of the administration panel. If your theme is widget-ready, you will see the Sidebar Widgets link next to the Theme Editor link.
  • Go to Sidebar Widgets.
  • From there, drag the little boxes into the big box.
  • Rearrange the little boxes to the order that you would like each to appear.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • If you leave the big box empty then your theme will use its default sidebar instead of the widgetized version.

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About the Author: Jazib Zaman

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