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Digg 3 Columns WordPress Theme

Digg 3 Columns WordPress Theme

Theme information

Author’s note

Digg 3 Columns is an extended version of my Digg-like WordPress theme (two columns). Instead of releasing a theme with a unique design for today, I’m releasing only an extended version of one of my previous themes, to take a much-needed break from designing.

Ever since the beginning of my self-challenge, the quality of my themes is declining. My brain is dehydrating. The creative juice is not there and I’m getting less and less patient with adding details to make my designs look complete. If you compare my day-one theme to day-five, they’re completely different quality wise. The former is fully realized and its details are there. The latter is junk I threw together for several hours before going to sleep.

I don’t want to sacrifice quality just to say that I’ve put out another unique design. After all, I started WPDesigner because I wasn’t satisfied with the quality of free WordPress themes out there. So, see you tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll get a good night sleep and feel replenished by tomorrow morning.

***Digg is a trademark of WPDesigner is not affiliated with

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