Site icon WPDesigner Review

Darren Rowse’s is first on the chopping block for the new WPDesigner review series, which intend to help you spot drawbacks and areas to improve on your own blog.



According to WebsiteOptimization, takes 92 seconds to load for 56k users. Despite more and more users making the switch to broadband connection, it’s important to cater to 56k users, regardless of your target audience.

To decrease loading time, Darren could:

Despite the fact that some users don’t actually come to Problogger for content (RSS subscribers), Problogger does get well over 100,000 unique visitors per month. For sure, a portion of that number are 56k users.

Cross Browser Issue

Unlike WPDesigner, doesn’t look the same in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. (Don’t burn me for not testing with other browsers. I don’t have time for it. Thanks.)

Here’s Problogger in Firefox:

Here’s Problogger in Internet Explorer 6.0:


Other than the main content, which is black text on white background, Problogger is hard to read. Also, the main link color, orange, isn’t dark enough.

Missing and Broken Features

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Although the Problogger theme follows WordPress’s structure, which is pretty good, SEO-wise, Problogger isn’t optimized for search engines (specifically Google).

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