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How to Choose a Web Host

If you are a newcomer to setting up your own website, choosing a company to host your site can be somewhat intimidating. There are so many aspects to consider and deciding which one is best for you may be rather overwhelming at first. Where do you start? Some web hosting sites may seem full of technical details, which can be offputting for a novice. Perhaps you don’t know if you will require certain features, or even what they mean. Doing a search for web hosting companies will bring up hundreds if not thousands of results – how on earth do you decide who is best? Visiting a hosting directory may not be much help either. Generally, they are filled with marketing ploys and flashy advertisements. You could easily end up even more confused than ever.

The Basics

The best place to start is by finding out exactly how the internet works and the role of a web host. Spend some time reading up on this subject and what you need to look for in a web hosting company. Look into the pitfalls to avoid being caught out by unscrupulous providers.

Once you have some knowledge of exactly what is involved, choosing a web hosting provider will be a somewhat simpler task. Follow the five steps listed below to help you with making a final decision.

· Select the hosting plans that meet all your requirements

If your plans for owning a website involve simply having a small personal site for showing off photographs, for following a hobby or for running a simple informational page or two, then almost any web hosting plan will be sufficient for your requirements.

If you have a medium sized website or if you intend to sell products or services, have a think about what your site will look like. Choosing a hosting provider for this type of site may require a little more thought.

· Assess each plan in detail

No doubt there are hundreds, if not thousands, of hosting plans out there that will be sufficient for your requirements. However, all you really need is just one that suits your budget and your needs. There’s no point spending weeks comparing each and every one you find – most of them will be similar anyhow. Our search results will potentially list several hundred hosting plans that meet your requirements but as they are returned with the cheapest price first, you can begin here and work your way through.

· Requesting a quote

Our website allows users to request up to ten free quotes from providers who match their web hosting needs. We think this is an excellent feature as it means you can receive a better deal, have more options, and it gives you the chance to communicate effectively what your website is about. Once you receive your quotes, you will have more information with which to assess the hosting providers, making it much easier to make a final choice. These quotes come with no obligation, even if you continue communication with the web hosts.

· How should I assess hosting plans?

Use the table below to help with evaluating the different hosting plans. The points listed are the main factors to take into consideration. Of course, don’t forget to include your own particular needs.

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