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Blog Update – April 16, 2007

First off, no, I didn’t die, nor were I sick or in a freak accident. For the past five days, I lost the drive to update and work on WPDesigner. Although there’s much to be done, I didn’t know which direction I wanted to take WPDesigner. I’m not going to tell you what I’ll be doing and where WPDesigner is going. I think we’re all tired of my empty suggestions and promises. I’ll try to just deliver from now on.

What I’ve been up to:

Not much as you can see from the photos above. I grew my hair out and that’s it. Personally, that’s the most significant thing that happened in the last several days. I’ve been bored out of my mind.

Second, I wanted to switch all themes to GPL in the previous post, but that’s easier said than done.

Although I’m moving in the right direction by switching license, I need to do this right and make sure that I don’t violate other people’s licenses. I’m talking about the photographers and icon creators of the photos and icons that some of my themes use.

The bottom line is don’t assume all of my themes have been re-released under GPL, at least not yet. Only some of them have been re-released. For the rest, I need to track down the photographers and icon authors to get their permission.

Thanks to SunBurntKamel for pointing out about photo and icon licenses.

Third, no, I don’t accept sponsored theme submissions and will not feature any sponsored theme on WPDesigner. Sorry, I don’t care what your reason is. There are other blogs that would be willing to feature your sponsored theme.

Fourth, I’m reconsidering whether to continue with the development of Supreme. I went over the features of Supreme over and over again.

I just don’t see how I can pack all the styles and features into one theme without clutter.

Also, a theme like that might be easy for an experienced user to modify, but definitely not for beginners, not even with extensive documentation. When things get cluttered, people get discouraged.

But then, Supreme is supposed to be features-packed and solve clutter at the same time…sigh.

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