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WPDesigner Version Seven Preview

Man! WPDesigner is approaching version seven already? I need to quit re-designing my own blog so often. Check out the preview for version seven.

This re-design is more of a tweak than a full makeover. The structure, pretty much, stays the same. Sorry to blue potatoes out there. The blue color scheme is gone. I’m into red nowadays.

And, it’s the red description area of the design that I like most. When you arrive at this blog or will arrive, automatically, you have to something to focus on and the description tells you exactly where you are and what you’re looking at. By the way, that description message will vary depending on which part of the blog you’re browsing. For example, when you browse the theme’s archive, it’ll say something like, “You’re browsing my themes archive. Here’s the most downloaded theme and blah blah blah…” I’ll also use that area for important updates that need to be stickied.

Because this re-design is so simple, it’s very easy to switch its color scheme, which is convenient for participating in stuff like Pink for October. (It’s not enough to switch your blog’s colors. I think Pink for October is a waste of time if you don’t actually donate toward breast cancer or do something more to raise awareness.)

Overall, I’m loving the new look and can’t wait to make the switch. Although this version borderlines the wayyyy-too-plain look, it’s clearer, less overwhelming, and easier to use than the current design.

After the switch, I need your help to improve on what I have so far to create a better browsing experience for you. If you like something or don’t like something, let me know.

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