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Video Blogs Coming Soon to WPDesigner

Video blogging is much harder than I expected. For starter, it’s awkward to talk to the camcorder, but I’ll get used to it and will roll out the first official video blog soon.

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Prior to the test video above, I was waiting for the camera delivery for about a week. If I had hair, I would’ve tried to pull it out. The waiting was just awful. On the arrival date (yesterday), the mail-woman didn’t come around at the usual time so I was freaking out. Luckily, the DHL delivery guy came around 3:00 pm to deliver it.

This morning, I went to Circuit City to buy the tripod so now I’m all set. Altogether, this new video-blogging feature that I’m adding to WPDesigner has been frustrating and pretty expensive, but I can’t wait to have some fun with it!

If you have ideas, video blogging suggestions, requests, and etcetera, please post them in the comments. Thank you.

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