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One More Time About Sponsored Themes and WordPress Community

Before I make my points, let me just say that I’m reluctant to publish this post because I don’t think the WordPress community, currently, is capable of complete honesty. We can’t handle the truth. There’s a lot of smoking mirrors, sugar coating, personal attacks, hypocrisy, and a whole lot of opinions NOT based on the reality of the situation. Despite that, I’m writing this because some of you have asked for my opinions about the recent ban of sponsored themes on Weblog Tools Collection. For sure, someone out there is going to twist my words or accuse me of something, but I’m not posting this to name names or continue beef with anyone.

(With that said, I’m taking this opportunity to publicly apologize to Scott Wallick for my recent comments about his design competition. Although genuine, my comments were out of line and uncalled for. So Scott? I’m sorry.)

And to my readers, I apologize for the lengthy introduction, but it’s important for you to know where I’m coming from. If you’re reading this article only to cherry-pick certain points that defend your side of this debate then you should stop reading. (To quickly catch up with everything about sponsored themes, use Lorelle’s summary and sources.) I will address both sides of the debate so don’t be so quick to post your biased comments.

For starter, what is a sponsored theme?

Why are sponsored links considered bad?

My own thoughts:

Is sponsored themes a good business model?

Has sponsored themes been good to us?

Weblog Tools Collection Sponsored Theme Ban

Sponsored Themes “Removal” From The Theme Viewer

This is the last time I’m going to write about this topic. I know it’s easy to simply point out what’s wrong and not offer suggestions. However, I’m not going to offer any suggestion this time. (It’s not like my previous suggestions got through to anyone’s ears :).) And, I’m not interested in going back and forth with anyone because it’s not worth it. It seems like most of the arguments are results of bloggers just dying to quickly publish something on their blogs about this point and that point, without grasping the whole picture.

I’m just going to sit back and let time sort out all the problems. And If I can, I’ll try to lead by example on how we should progress from here. I think that’s pretty much all I can do.

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